From time to time, instruments used for measuring environmental conditions will require calibration to ensure their accuracy. Airflow meters, temperature meters, humidity meters and pressure meters are just some of the meters that we can calibrate.

We are able to perform environmental test equipment calibration on the following:

Ph Meter Conductivity Meter
Sound/Noise Meters
Air Flow 2.5-5-10&15M/SAir flow

If your instrument is not on the list or if you require any further help, then please contact us and we will do our best to assist you.

Our team of highly trained and experienced technicians ensure that test and measurement instruments are performing correctly and conform to all manufacturer standards.

To request service, calibration or repair of environmental test equipment, then please Contact Us

Air Flow / Anemometers

We specialise in calibrations on Vane, Hotwire and Hot Bulb Anemometers.

Our calibration capabilities include a fully traceable 4 point calibration at 2.5 / 5 / 10 and 15 m/s. The maximum diameter of a vane probe that we can calibrate in-house is 90mm.

Humidity Meters

At Hitek we can provide a traceable 3 point relative humidity calibration, between 10%rh and 80%rh at ambient temperature. This includes instruments such as Thermohygrometers and Humidity Meters.

Pressure Meters

Pressure Meters

From handheld manometers to pressure gauges, we can offer a range of pressure calibration services. Regular calibration will help to ensure your pressure instruments conform to the latest standards and continuity of accuracy.

Hitek can offer standard traceable calibrations on the following:

  • Pressure calibrators
  • Pressure gauges
  • Pressure meters
  • Pressure transducers
  • Manometers